Why Has the Route Changed?

Just prior to the 2007 survey there was a new permit system implemented for the Canning Stock Route (CSR) which spoilt our plans to travel between wells 9 and 5. While this is a great shame, some will be glad not to have to endure the sand dune section yet still be able to experience the section below well 5.

Well 4A, Canning Stock Route

Additionally, I have received concerns from survey participants about the proposed finish point of the Raid being Middle Lagoon, north of Broome, as they felt the road was too difficult and, being a no-through-road, they would have to travel back down it. While I had envisaged the sun setting over the Indian Ocean as a fitting conclusion to the Raid, I was surprised to find that the road to Middle Lagoon is becoming blacktop.

Given that the challenge of the Middle Lagoon road has gone, the additional days available due to the CSR route change and the constant yearning by international raiders to experience the Gibb River Road, the route was modified to include the Gibb River road and end near Kununurra.